Saturday, September 20, 2008

AmericanMcGee Alice Dress

And here another new release. Click picture to enlarge it ;-)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Asian wear at BLACK MOON

We always did some oriental and asian wear too. Now we got a new beautiful blue kimono called Blue Butterfly Kimono. I will add some pictures of some of the older kimonos too, so that You can take a look what else we've got if You don't know them yet.

Sunday, September 14, 2008

BIG is beautiful !!

It had been so needed to get finally started on this: I did the first set for very rounded ladies!
I already design dresses that don't ONLY fit this annorexian size a lot of people use at Second Life, but the ladies who got some more hips and curves. Now I have finally found the opportunity to do a nice set of 3 outfits in one for the real big ladies. Those won't fit slim ladies, sorry for them, but there are really enough others for them at my shop. I will add some pics of oldies but goldies for you of those too ;-) Thank you so much Amrita Chakrabarti, who gave me her absolutely awesome shape for building the new XL serie of clothes! I hope You'll all enjoy the new Black Moon XL section, that's coming in by this now.

Saturday, September 13, 2008


And for all casual lovers we got a new highweist jeans outfit. 4 tops coming with it so that you can mix and match.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Reasonable priced

Here I got some typical BLACK MOON bargains for You. You'll find a lot more like those at our shop at all 3 floors.

Monday, September 8, 2008

Old and new ones

I have to mix up some old and some new pictures because that blog is just quite brandnew and I need to show some different designs to those who don't know the Black Moon shop yet.
My model Annyee Lindman shows here 3 dresses I made this year. Above "Une Etude" for piano lovers, brandnew dress, designed last week. Lower "Malibu" and "Fairy of Light"

Some really beautiful dresses from our shop and bestsellers are Lady in Red and Field of Dreams. If You take a look You'll see why.

Handcrafted Fine Jewelry

Black Moon did some really detailed jewelry for you. The examples on this picture are only a few of the special jewelry we did. YOU DISLIKE LOOKING LIKE A CHRISTMASTREE in the evening at Second Life?
Then this is Your chance to get a jewelry that looks only by it's textures and building beautiful! Seriously turn off the light at other jewelry and most will look terrible. But not this one. I have put work into it to let it look good without turning on "Full bright" which makes everything look as if you did put in a pound of plutonium. And honestly I don't really get it why some of those fashion specialists hate bling but never mention how stupid everything looks at night when it's set to full bright. I mean since when has a skirt or shoes or jewelry it's own lamp inside? lol
And btw I did that mistake myself as I started designing at SL, just because I saw it everywhere used but if you use really good textures it's simply not needed.
And here I got a dress that's about 2 years old now and still one of the most reproduced ideas at SL. Stars float around the skirt above a darkbluefeathertexture, while a sequined neck line catches Your eyes.

Sunday, September 7, 2008

New Designs

As almost each week there are new designs at our shop. Take a look for more at BLACK MOON or at my blogpage.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Everything about the difference

I have always aimed to have a design that's different to other shops. Not only by our quality or the textures I use, but by the possibilities to match the items that I include at one outfit. One dress is sometimes if you mix and match the pieces different up to 3 or more different looking outfits, skirts are also at several styles and sizes added, even heels or jewelry are very often included and if you look up the prices you won't believe what you get. I will add today two pictures (click the pictures to enlarge them) with several outfits to give you an impression how colourful my dresses are and what makes them different. If you'd like to know more take a look at Black Moon at Insula Inferi West, or look up:
and my homepage:

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Casual but not boring

At real life I had always been wearing clothes that did get up to date several years later. If I would have become fashion designer at RL I would have set the trends always a bit earlier than the industry. The nice thing about Second Life is that you can create everything you like without being considerate of what's in or out at RL. And everyone can wear everything, because you don't need to have a diat before anything fits, you are as tall as you like and you can change everything anytime.
That's for a lot of people the big fun about SL fashion.
Did you know that most designers at Second Life aren't able to build anything for more rounded avatars and that a lot of ladies are wearing a slim avatar to fit the clothes! We don't join this pressure to be slim, we don't even like it, no not only because it's unnatural, because it doesn't look female at all and because we prefer to build for all kinds of ladies ;-)
We have some really cute casual wear at our shop that you might like too. I'll post here some pictures to give you an impression.