Sunday, September 14, 2008

BIG is beautiful !!

It had been so needed to get finally started on this: I did the first set for very rounded ladies!
I already design dresses that don't ONLY fit this annorexian size a lot of people use at Second Life, but the ladies who got some more hips and curves. Now I have finally found the opportunity to do a nice set of 3 outfits in one for the real big ladies. Those won't fit slim ladies, sorry for them, but there are really enough others for them at my shop. I will add some pics of oldies but goldies for you of those too ;-) Thank you so much Amrita Chakrabarti, who gave me her absolutely awesome shape for building the new XL serie of clothes! I hope You'll all enjoy the new Black Moon XL section, that's coming in by this now.

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